Poutine with Red Wine Rosemary Gravy


  • 4 lb beef chuck roast

  • Salt and pepper

  • 2 tbsp oil

  • 2 jars Clean Plate Pantry Red Wine Rosemary Finishing Sauce

  • Cheese curds

  • French fries (prepared in your favorite way)

  • Parsley or sliced scallions for garnish (if desired)


  1. In a large skillet over medium-high heat, heat oil until it shimmers.

  2. Pat beef roast dry and season generously with salt and pepper. Brown roast all over in the skillet, about 5 mins per side, or until a deep brown crust develops. Transfer meat to a slow cooker and add 1 jar Clean Plate Pantry Red Wine Rosemary Finishing Sauce. Set cooker on Low and cook for 8 hours.

  3. When roast is very tender, remove onto a plate and let cool. Drain sauce from the bottom of the pot and remove the excess oil.

  4. When the roast has cooled, shred meat with hands or 2 forks. Place meat back in the crock of the slow cooker and return the strained sauce as well. Mix sauce into the shredded meat. Keep the meat on the “Warm” setting of the cooker until ready to serve.

  5. Prepare french fries in your favorite manner. (Here’s my go-to “healthyish” oven fries recipe: Heat oven to 425F. Using 4 russet potatoes, slice into 4 quarters lengthwise, then slice each quarter into three flat pieces lengthwise – you want to have quite thick flat slices of potato. Soak potatoes in enough water to cover until oven is completely hot. Drain potatoes and pat dry very well on towels. Dry out bowl as well and return dried potatoes to the dry bowl. Add 1/4 cup neutral oil, such as canola, and 2 tsp salt. You can use your favorite spice mix here too, but be weary if it contains more salt. Mix oil and salt into the potatoes until evenly coated. Place potatoes on two baking sheets lined with parchment paper – you have to use two, over-crowding the potatoes will keep them from browning and crisping. Place one sheet on the bottom rack of the oven, the other on the top. Roast for 20 mins. Turn the potatoes to the uncooked side, and put the baking sheet that was previously on the top rack of the oven onto the bottom and vice versa. Roast an additional 15 mins. Depending on your oven and your baking sheet, you might need to flip the potatoes on the bottom rack again to brown a little more.)

  6. Heat 1 jar Clean Plate Pantry Red Wine Rosemary Finishing Sauce in a small sauce pan until warm.

  7. To serve poutine, place French fries on a large tray, top with shredded meat and cheese curds and drizzle the sauce on top. Garnish as desired.


Spiced Meatballs with Shakshuka Sauce